What is Unforbidden?


From societal and generational shame to poor sexual health education. We've been forbidden access and estranged from our sexual side, building confidence and accessing our desires. Our relationships have suffered. Our personal development has plummeted leaving people disassociated from their bodies. Wandering where do I go next, and is it possible to feel comfortable, safe & sexy again?

You are here now.


Explore the Unforbidden, and dive into your hearts most deepest desires - living true to your core;  your most authentic self. You deserve to be loved and appreciated without fear of the hiding the parts you deem "unlovable". This is a safe place to meet other kink-friendly folk and actively work towards a high functioning life, thriving in your intimacy and relationships.


Permission to explore the areas of intimacy and sexual desire - granted.



-explore the unforbidden-

Unforbidden Coaching Services

Are you exhausted from feeling like you can't be "you"?  

This is an exclusive introductory to working 1:1 with the sex coach. Coaching is individualized to the client's needs. We focus on identifying areas of holdback, creating safety within the body, making boundaries, and diving into what makes "you" - you. Creating a life that turns you on in every aspect is always our end goal.


Ready to step into the most authentic version of your sexy self? 


The Unforbidden Women's Retreat 

Recharge and reignite the feminine within. This special experience is limited to women only. A unique 4-day/3-night retreat with coach Sierra, and other special guests.  

This was created for the high functioning individuals that want to strengthen and re-connect to their sexuality, femininity and for those ready to claim their abundance .


The Unchained Sexcast 

Dive into a kink-friendly world, where no sexual or intimate topic is missed!

Host & Creator, Sierra Bucher explores the most important parts of our biggest sex organ - the brain. Educational, raw and straight to the point. Catch episodes in chronological order, or jump right in to your favorite subjects!


My Wish For You....

You deserve respectful relationships, deeply fulfilling love for yourself & a life that turns you on. 

My goal is to help others through the transformation I've found within myself. There is no magic words or course - only a deeply empathic person ready to hold you and help you discover what more you can hold from life.

As an intimacy coach, my biggest joy is showing how much you gain when you're able to release people-pleasing tendencies & self-sabotaging talk. When you finally become free to express yourself in your unique authenticity.

Discovering what's unforbidden for you, breaking the chains of shame and stepping into the highest version of yourself.

Just Your Normal Tuesday Morning

Unforbidden 2024

Jul 15, 2024

29 Wishes For My 29th Year Of Living

Oct 03, 2023

A look at 

Reviews & Testimonies

Nice to meet you!


I’m so happy you’re here. 

It might be a passing moment or you might hire me for life. Either way, I want you to know that if you’ve ever felt like you didn’t belong or ever have a “place”.. 

I want you to know that you are not broken. 

If you are looking for something to fix you, I hate to say it - but you’ll never find it. 


if you are craving to be in a different place than you are now, deeper connected to yourself, body and pleasure, or perhaps you are just ready to invest in living a wholesome and happy life.

I'm here for you. You deserve loving and fulfilling relationships.

As we start to unfold the layers of what makes you, your beautiful self, we step into our authenticity embracing the highest version of ourselves. We tap into the unforbidden & embrace who we truly are.

That my friends is true freedom from the boxes we were given to fit inside. Time to break the fucking box, baby. It's your time.


Let's Connect

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