Unforbidden 2024

Jul 15, 2024

Let’s start with the beautiful new brand….




The idea of “unforbidden” has been brewing for years. Did I know the name or the intricate details of what it would entail? 

Absolutely the fuck not. 


I have made ample plans for my life, and many times I have watched them change. Something I say often: You can make plans for life, but they are just going to change anyway. 


My plan for building an empire of people connected to their authenticity by aligning with their truths, and desires has been my inspiration all along. How could I help more people find the freedom I’ve found, by discovering myself? 


Dreaming, writing, creating and daily forward movement is what got us here.

It’s how Unforbidden was birthed. 


It was also a stepping stone for me growing into bigger opportunities and experiences. Through this process I had to learn one of my hardest lessons = surrender

Have I mastered this process called surrendering

Again, absolutely the fuck not. 


If you know me, then you know I’ve been a dominating bitch in my profession and in my personal life. Domination suits me so fucking well. In this instance, dominance was not serving me anymore. I finally realized that it would take a team to put my dreams to a reality. Building a team to support my goals and release a little control where I needed to.


I hired a fucking phenomenal artist to create and craft a brand that wouldn’t just represent me, but represent the stepping stones we take into finding our most truest version of self. She also happens to know me on a personal level tremendously well since she’s also my sister. 

This took trial and error, working with different clients in different situations and flat out - just fucking time.  


I’m not very fond of time - when I want to build something, sometimes every part of me is screaming LET’s DO IT NOW

This isn’t something that could’ve been built in a day, a week or even a year. Talk about learning some ever-loving fucking patience

If this is the first you've encountered me and you’re questioning why I like to curse or F-bomb drop, my theory is the following: 

I am talking authentically. How we communicate is everything and usually when I’m trying to get a point across, using colorful language helps elaborate with much more ease. 

Also if this offends you, definitely DO NOT listen to my podcast.

Leaning into my patience as I watched my vision come to life. I’ve launched dozens of programs, specials, and events. This process was different in the way that I learned to really lean into my superpowers, and delegate my other tasks. 

With launching my brand, it was important I put the right steps into play to not only make it everything I envisioned, but also protect myself and my ideas. 

My brain and my creation is what my work is. It is my property. Switching from my income being primarily in consumable goods sales to coaching services - talk about a MASSIVE adjustment.

What that means now is my time, is my income. And let’s be real, having laser-focus, and time managing capabilities aren’t for the faint of heart. Not to mention I’ve had my ideas and creations stolen in the past without permission. 



Here we are. 

We fucking did it. 

We launched Unforbidden in 2024. 


My beautiful brand catapulting hundreds into future living. Helping others have incredible partnered intimacy and assisting people in discovering their true selves. 

The helping hand so many of us desperately need. 


So what services are you actually offering? What the hell is a sex coach? 

I guess i could’ve picked from a dozen different words to describe what I do, it’s important to ask this very question. There are so many different coaching styles and specialties out there. 

>> What called to me was helping people one on one. When in a private, safe setting we really are able to open up to who we are and what calls to us. Private coaching with me is in 4 week increments. 

Why 4 weeks?

I’ve found this is a sweet spot for holding attention span and for what most people are capable of committing to without it feeling overpowering, or a long period of time. 


We do an hour-long call once a week in those 4 weeks. Our video call sessions are held through my discreet website  - under your own login. Once you purchase a service for me, you’ll always be able to login and have access to our notes and any resources shared during coaching. Meaning if you coach with me multiple times, you’ll be able to login to your account on my site and see every session held. 

Coaching has been proven to be most effective. Every client I work with has seen shift and transformation, whether they’ve spent 4 weeks with me or 12 weeks. 


After seeing what really stuck, I knew that private coaching would be the core of Unforbidden. Maybe one day I’ll have more coaches join the company - the sky’s the limit right? 

I also felt a strong urge to bring more community to the table. A place when women can feel seen and heard without judgment. 

After all, most of us women grew up in the most judgmental homes, where what we wore was criticized, how we behaved and what our values should be were assigned to us. 

We were showed the box, and told how to sit in it. 


My job is to help break that fucking box.

Breaking the chains of societal and generational shame, and dropping everything that does not belong to you. Because just like the pride I had in controlling, not everything in your life is serving you at your highest good. 


Hence - The Unforbidden Women’s Retreat. 


If you been to a retreat hosted by me or as a guest with me - then you know how crucial women’s retreats have been essential in my growth. They are life.

Women’s retreats are so underrated in the opportunities they offer. 

I wanted to create an experience for those that crave the in-person connection. As well as for the women who have truly never felt like they belonged, and the women who’ve never felt comfortable with other females. A weekend where my services were condensed into a carefully, crafted itinerary with support from other experts in our field. A safe place for those ready to elevate and make quick shifts in their life. 

Our retreat spaces will be limited spots, I’ve found over the years hosting various retreats that the most shift is made in smaller groups of like-minded women. 

Instead of trying to get bodies in and stack my events with dozens of people for a paycheck - my goal was to bring intimate, life shifting, intimacy enhancing events. 


What I see in our retreat set-up is being able to help women connect back to themselves, release trauma and self-sabotaging habits. 

Refreshing and reigniting the feminine goddess within. My itinerary line up for our first retreat after launch is sooo fire! I’m beyond elated to share the retreat experience. 

With it being in such small groups I decided to move forward with an “application process” for the retreats. This style is new for me, but I’m open to trying different processes. My goal was to have it open to anyone who felt it was for them! It still is on that level, but with the application process I will have a detailed intake form to ensure that this retreat is going to be a good fit for you & as well as give me caps at who I invite to the first retreat. (Say I have 50 people apply for the first retreat, I would go in order of submitted applications in who gets first dibs on joining. If someone passes up on their spot I’ll go to the next person in line.)


In this system, my efforts are to ensure fair chance and extend future offers to those unable to attend.  Being on the waitlist at that point will have its perks. 

Exploring and embracing the unforbidden.  Cheers to you for reading this and supporting my journey thus far. We are growing and expanding in more ways than I could ever imagine. 


Thank you for keeping me in your loop & sharing me with your friends. 

I look forward to serving you in the near future and helping you meet your sex, relationship and intimacy goals as well as expand your idea of pleasure and how you prioritize it in your life. 



Want to learn more about booking 1:1 private coaching with Sierra?