Episode: 44 - Patriarchy Is Bad For Everyone

Patriarchy Is Bad For Everyone

| Conditioning Taught At A Young Age

Skip Intro to :50



Why the patriarchy is working against everyone? Fan requested topic! I wanted to share more on how the patriarchy has been working against men and females. I am going a little out of my comfort zone in this episode. 

Conditioning and things that have been in our culture for decades. When we consciously think about what certain phrases and what we say can effect men for years to come. 

Toxic masculinity taught at a young age to boys - " boys don't cry" "boys don't play with dolls - society has pushed this message even if you didn't have a huge influence of direct toxic masculinity from a parent. 

Language Is Everything. 

Watching our language when we are talking to our children. Think of something someone said to you that stay with you for years and impacted your entire life? 

Showing our children how to process emotions in a healthy way, starts with moms and dad's who process & express themselves,

Shame through this process has put a wedge between humans and their sexuality 

shame around masturbating / bodily autonomy 

You are in control of your body. You decide who touches you and when you touch you.

The patriarchy prevents men and women from speaking out __ more control .

When we stop speaking out

- we loose touch with our sexuality/ bodies & what pleasure is

- we have 55% divorce rates

- we have grown ups who can't process their emotions 


"united we stand, divided we fall" - patriarchy is used to create division. When we are too busy fighting each other - we get blinded to what's really going on. 

Conditioning in girls starting at a young age for me including weight loss advertisement, from foods you "should eat" and "exercises programs you should do". Creating a fatphobic culture and having girls trying to fit that ideal figure. If you didn't fit the barbie look, you were less than adequate. 

This toxic environment turns into mean girls, where we are in comparison mode. Constantly comparing to other women, instead of grouping together and having each others back. 

You are so deserving of loving, respectful relationships. You are worthy of receiving the amount of love give.

We are all on the same team. We all want to feel seen, loved and appreciated. 

Hire A Coach or Therapist - if this is an unhealed area in your life, there is help available. 


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