Episode: 19 - Self Sabotaging Barbie

Self Sabotaging Barbie

| Break The Toxic Patterns

Skip Intro to :50


This episode dives into self sabotaging patterns in relationships and in situations we create for ourselves.  

 What we tell ourselves, is what becomes our reality.

 You're allowed to have moments of doubt & uncertainty. 

 The sub conscious mind does the majority of our thinking and the work. Building healthy habits on how you talk and treat yourself will determine your outlook on life.

At some point, I just stopped giving a shit about what everyone else thought and started doing and believing what I THOUGHT.

We can get stuck in the comparison mode hamster wheel and "copy + paste" mode vs just being our authentic self. We self sabotage. 

Sometimes you have to break things down to re- build. So when is self - sabotaging needed? 


 It's needed to break the toxic patterns.

 Sometimes we need the toddler tantrum fit to get the harbored emotions out.

 Start paying attention to how you talk to yourself.

 You are everything.

Nobody ever said it was easy, but when we sit and find peace with our dark side and take a birds eye view - it keeps us in control and those harder moments, not as hard. 

You can choose to re-program your mind. 

You can choose how to speak to yourself, 

Yo can choose to forgive yourself. 

thoughts are thought's & you are actions - so be ABOUT your actions  


 Need more?

Write a letter to yourself after listening to this episode - forgiving yourself - forgiving you for the self sabotaging patterns you picked up, & limiting beliefs you haven't been able to shake. Write it down - scribble it with marker or pencil - just get it OUT. Then light that b*tch on fire! 

It's YOU time!


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